Mandibular Repositioning Appliance
Intermediate Course
- To reposition the mandible in an anterior position
- A retruded-retrognathic mandible
Instruments & Materials Needed (Prior to Start of Class):
- Band Pusher/Scaler
- Distal End Bender
- Distal End Cutter
- Elastic Remover/Explorer
- Heavy Duty Wire Cutter
- Ligature Remover/Director
- Light Wire Plier (Long Bird Beak)
- Mathieu Plier– Hook Tip & Wide Tip
- Pin and Ligature Cutter
- Weingardt plier
Materials Provided:
- .019 x .025 Stainless Steel Upper/ Lower Archwires
- Twin Force Bite Corrector Appliance
- Glide Ties
- IN THE PATIENT’S MOUTH, must place an NPE on the upper and a FRLA on lower for anchorage.
- Insert the upper and lower .019. x .025 stainless steel archwires into the typodont.
- Tie in both arches with glide ties.
- Distal End Bend all four corners to make sure the archwires are secure. This will lock the arches in place.
- Wires inserted, glide ties placed and all corners have distal ends bent at a 90° bends.
- Twin Force Bite Corrector and wrench comes in the package. There is no left/right or up/down.
- The Twin Force is similar to a piston, it compresses…
- …and it expands. Springs drive this movement when placed.
- There is a screw that is fully engaged when packaged.
- Use the wrench that comes in the package to back the screw out, DO NOT COMPLETELY REMOVE IT.
- Once there is clearance for the wire to be inserted, stop unscrewing it.
- Place the Twin Force mesial to the UPPER first molar, facing the screw to the occlusal.
- Once the Twin Force is seated on the wire, use the wrench to tighten the screw as tight as possible.
- Check to make sure the appliance will not slip on the wire.
- Again, make sure the appliance is as close to the first molar band as possible.
- Place the appliance on the lower wire distal to the canine. Again, make sure the screw is occlusal.
- Repeat the process. Place the appliance on the opposite side, starting with the upper arch.
- If you place the screw towards the gingiva, use the curved end for easier access.
- Repeat the process by placing the appliance on the lower arch.
- Shown is the appliance placed on the typodont. Notice the lower arch is being pushed forward.
- Side view of the appliance, Mandibular Repositioning.
- The Twin Force allows easy LATERAL movement for patient comfort.
- Completed exercise.
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