
Have you ever had a miscommunication with a healthcare provider? How did that make you feel about receiving treatment from them? It creates a lack of trust for many patients and contributes to a negative experience.

Effective communication between dentists and patients is crucial to developing a bond that leads to better treatment outcomes, including in orthodontics. Dentists play a key role by clearly explaining the need for orthodontics, helping patients understand the benefits of treatment, and empowering them to commit to their oral health journey.

5 Tips on Discussing Orthodontics With Patients

Some dentists find discussing the need for orthodontic intervention challenging. However, open conversations are crucial to help them understand the consequences of forgoing treatment. Use these five tips to make it easier to explain the need for orthodontics to patients.

1. Start With the Benefits

When discussing orthodontics, remember that every patient has unique concerns about their oral health. Some may be focused on correcting aesthetic imperfections, while others may be more interested in improving the function of their teeth. Regardless of their specific goals, it’s often best to start by highlighting the benefits of treatment.

The most obvious aesthetic benefit is straight teeth. Straighter teeth create a more balanced facial structure, which creates a more radiant smile. Improving the aesthetics of a smile can increase self-esteem and boost confidence. 

Orthodontic treatment also improves the alignment of the teeth and jaws, which improves the bite. This allows for better chewing and digestion.

Proper alignment also minimizes the risk of irregular tooth wear to prevent long-term damage. When functional issues are addressed, speech impairments are alleviated, and the teeth become easier to clean.

2. Use Simple and Clear Language

When speaking with patients, it’s best to keep the dialogue as clear and simple as possible. Explain orthodontic procedures and answer their questions in terms they will easily understand. The average patient may have trouble following the conversation when complex technical lingo is used.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to use some dental terminology. However, follow up with plain language to make it easier for the patient to learn about the proposed treatment.

3. Use Visual Aids and Examples

Some people learn best by listening or doing, while others learn by seeing. Visual aids are phenomenal tools dentists can use to help their patients understand treatment and potential outcomes. One example of a visual aid is before-and-after photos of previous patients.

Many patients think they are the only ones who suffer from bite problems. However, when they see high-quality photographs of similar cases, it can encourage them to complete treatment. Knowing someone else once had a crooked smile or gaps between their teeth can help them see that having a beautiful smile is possible.

It’s important to note that previous patients must give consent for you to show before-and-after photos to future patients. Typically, they sign a release form that permits you to use their images.

4. Be Open About Costs and Payment Plans

Although you can’t put a price tag on oral health, many patients immediately want to know the cost of the recommended treatment. Some have dental insurance that helps offset the total cost, but others don’t have orthodontic coverage. Regardless of their coverage, total transparency is important.

Even if they understand the impact of not accepting treatment, they may decline because they think they cannot afford it. Everyone on the team must understand how insurance benefits work and any payment plans or financing options your office offers. These options make the cost of orthodontic treatment more manageable for patients.

5. Address Concerns and Answer Questions

Reviewing treatment options is an important part of the equation, but listening to concerns is vital. Encourage patients to ask questions at any point throughout the discussion. However, some may only feel comfortable speaking up when they are invited to do so.

You can open the conversation for questions by asking, “What questions can I answer for you?” It’s a simple question, but it might help the patient open up. Provide clear, reassuring answers to their questions to help build trust and confidence.

Meet Your Patients Needs

Orthodontic treatment is a crucial step in developing good oral health. Talking to patients about the process requires clear communication. Dentists who apply these tips will help their patients understand why they need braces. Eventually, they will undergo successful treatment and transform their smiles.

Get Started With Orthodontic Training

General and pediatric dentists who provide their patients with in-office orthodontics make their offices more appealing to patients. Adding this treatment option to your practice increases the acceptance rates for patients who need it.

If you’re interested in expanding your practice, consider orthodontic courses online. Dr. Brad Williams provides courses that give you the knowledge and skills to incorporate this treatment successfully. Contact Williams GP Orthodontic Seminars today to learn about these valuable continuing education courses.